UWS Post and Comment SMS Notifier

This is a WordPress plugin, which is an extension of the Ultimate WP SMS Pro and Lite versions. The plugin gives you the ability to notify your groups with an SMS message, when new posts, updated posts or new comments are added to your site.

For each of your Ultimate WP SMS user groups, you can configure the notification plugin extension to:

  • Notify the group when a new post is added.
  • Notify the group when a post is updated.
  • Notify the group when a new comment is added.

You can specify the text that will be sent in the SMS notifications.

Notifications can be sent for normal WordPress posts or custom post types.

Could can also specify one or more post categories. If the published post is in those chosen categories, then the SMS notification will be sent.

For post notifications, the text of the SMS message can include the following tags:

  • %name% – the name of the group member receiving the SMS message.
  • %posttitle% or  %post_title% – the title of the new or updated post.
  • %postauthor% or %post_author% – the author of the new or updated post.
  • %postlink% or  %post_link% – a URL to the new or updated post.
  • %postexcerpt% – includes the first 20 words of a post into the SMS message
  • %postid% or %post_id% – the WordPress post ID
  • %post_date% – the publish date.
  • %post_date_gmt% – the publish date in GMT
  • %post_content% – the content of the post
  • %post_status% – the status of the post, e.g. pending, published etc
  • %comment_status% – indicates whether comments are permitted or not
  • %post_name% or %post_slug% – the name of the post. Also known as the post slug.
  • %post_modified% – date when the post was last modified.
  • %post_modified_gmt% – modified date in GMT.
  • %post_guid% – the unique identifier of this post.
  • %post_shorturl% – returns the short URL for this post. If you are using Jetpack it will return the wp.me short URL.
  • %post_feature_img% will insert the URL of the post’s featured image.

Also provided is a merge tag for custom fields. The format for this tag is

  • %postmeta_<your custom field name>%. For example, if you have created a custom field called ‘name’, then you can include the value of this field into your SMS message, but using the merge tag %postmeta_name%

For comment notifications, the text of the SMS message can include the following tags:

  • %name% – the name of the group member receiving the SMS message.
  • %posttitle% – the title of the post being commented on.
  • %commauthor% – the name of the comment’s author.
  • %commcomment% – the content of the comment.
  • %commlink% – a URL to the new comment.

Notifications are send for auto-approved and manually approved posts.

UWS Notifier Icon

UWS Notifications List

UWS Notifications Add and Edit Form

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